AirGen Data types

class airgen.types.AngleLevelControllerGains(roll_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>, pitch_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>, yaw_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>)

Bases: object

Struct to contain controller gains used by angle rate PID controller


kP, kI, kD for roll axis




kP, kI, kD for pitch axis




kP, kI, kD for yaw axis



class airgen.types.AngleRateControllerGains(roll_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>, pitch_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>, yaw_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>)

Bases: object

Struct to contain controller gains used by angle level PID controller


kP, kI, kD for roll axis




kP, kI, kD for pitch axis




kP, kI, kD for yaw axis



class airgen.types.BarometerData

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Barometer for multirotor and cars in AirGen.

default settings in settings.json:

    "DefaultSensors": {
        "BarometerSensorName": {
            "SensorType": 1,
            "Enabled" : true,
            "PressureFactorSigma": 0.001825,
            "PressureFactorTau": 3600,
            "UncorrelatedNoiseSigma": 2.7,
            "UpdateLatency": 0,
            "UpdateFrequency": 50,
            "StartupDelay": 0


>>> barometer_data=airgen_client.getBarometerData("BarometerSensorName")
altitude: Quaternionr = <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}

altitude of the barometer

pressure: Vector3r = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}

pressure of the barometer

qnh: Vector3r = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}

qnh of the barometer

time_stamp: uint64 = 0

timestamp of the barometer data

class airgen.types.Box2D

Bases: MsgpackMixin

max = <Vector2r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0}
min = <Vector2r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0}
class airgen.types.Box3D

Bases: MsgpackMixin

max = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
min = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
class airgen.types.CameraInfo

Bases: MsgpackMixin

fov = -1
pose = <Pose> {   'orientation': <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0},     'position': <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}}
proj_mat = <ProjectionMatrix> {   }
class airgen.types.CarControls(throttle=0, steering=0, brake=0, handbrake=False, is_manual_gear=False, manual_gear=0, gear_immediate=True)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

brake = 0.0
gear_immediate = True
handbrake = False
is_manual_gear = False
manual_gear = 0
set_throttle(throttle_val, forward)
steering = 0.0
throttle = 0.0
class airgen.types.CarState

Bases: MsgpackMixin

collision = <CollisionInfo> {   }
gear = 0
handbrake = False
kinematics_estimated = <KinematicsState> {   }
maxrpm = 0.0
rpm = 0.0
speed = 0.0
timestamp = 0
class airgen.types.CollisionInfo

Bases: MsgpackMixin

has_collided = False
impact_point = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
normal = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
object_id = -1
object_name = ''
penetration_depth = 0.0
position = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
time_stamp = 0.0
class airgen.types.DetectionInfo

Bases: MsgpackMixin

box2D = <Box2D> {   }
box3D = <Box3D> {   }
geo_point = <GeoPoint> {   'altitude': 0.0,     'latitude': 0.0,     'longitude': 0.0}
name = ''
relative_pose = <Pose> {   'orientation': <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0},     'position': <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}}
class airgen.types.DistanceSensorData

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Distance sensor

default settings in settings.json:

    "DefaultSensors": {
        "DistanceSensorName": {
            "SensorType": 5,
            "Enabled" : true,
            "MinDistance": 0.2, # Minimum distance measured by distance sensor (metres, only used to fill Mavlink message for PX4) (Default 0.2m)
            "MaxDistance": 40, Maximum distance measured by distance sensor (metres) (Default 40.0m)
            "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": -1, # Position of the sensor relative to the vehicle (in NED, in meters) (Default (0,0,0)-Multirotor, (0,0,-1)-Car)
            "Yaw": 0, "Pitch": 0, "Roll": 0, # Orientation of the sensor relative to the vehicle (degrees) (Default (0,0,0))
            "ExternalController": false, # Whether the sensor is controlled by an external controller (Default false)Whether data is to be sent to external controller such as ArduPilot or PX4 if being used (default true)
            "DrawDebugPoints": false


For Cars, the sensor is placed 1 meter above the vehicle center by default. This is required since otherwise the sensor gives strange data due it being inside the vehicle. This doesn't affect the sensor values say when measuring the distance between 2 cars.


>>> distance_sensor_data=airgen_client.getDistanceSensorData("DistanceSensorName")
distance: float = 0.0

distance measured by the distance sensor

max_distance: float = 0.0

maximum distance measured by the distance sensor

min_distance: float = 0.0

minimum distance measured by the distance sensor

relative_pose: Pose = <Pose> {   'orientation': <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0},     'position': <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}}

relative pose of the distance sensor

time_stamp = 0

timestamp of the distance sensor data

class airgen.types.DrivetrainType

Bases: object

ForwardOnly = 1
MaxDegreeOfFreedom = 0
Orient = 2
class airgen.types.EnvironmentState

Bases: MsgpackMixin

air_density = 0.0
air_pressure = 0.0
geo_point = <GeoPoint> {   'altitude': 0.0,     'latitude': 0.0,     'longitude': 0.0}
gravity = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
position = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
temperature = 0.0
class airgen.types.GeoPoint(latitude=0.0, longitude=0.0, altitude=0.0)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

altitude = 0.0
latitude = 0.0
longitude = 0.0
class airgen.types.GeoPose(geopoint_val=None, orientation_val=None)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

  • geopoint_val (GeoPoint)

  • orientation_val (Quaternionr)

geopoint = <GeoPoint> {   'altitude': 0.0,     'latitude': 0.0,     'longitude': 0.0}
orientation = <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
class airgen.types.GnssFixType

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Represents the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) fix types in AirGen.

This class categorizes the various types of GNSS fixes based on the quality and source of satellite data.

class airgen.types.GnssReport

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Represents a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) report in AirSim.

This class provides detailed information about the current GNSS status and readings.

eph = 0.0
epv = 0.0
fix_type = <GnssFixType> {   }
geo_point = <GeoPoint> {   'altitude': 0.0,     'latitude': 0.0,     'longitude': 0.0}
time_utc = 0
velocity = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
class airgen.types.GpsData

Bases: MsgpackMixin

GPS sensor

default settings in settings.json:

    "DefaultSensors": {
        "GPSSensorName": {
            "SensorType": 3,
            "Enabled" : true,
            "EphTimeConstant": 0.9,
            "EpvTimeConstant": 0.9,
            "EphInitial": 25,
            "EpvInitial": 25,
            "EphFinal": 0.1,
            "EpvFinal": 0.1,
            "EphMin3d": 3,
            "EphMin2d": 4,
            "UpdateLatency": 0.2,
            "UpdateFrequency": 50,
            "StartupDelay": 1


>>> gps_data=airgen_client.getGpsData("GPSSensorName")
gnss = <GnssReport> {   }

gnss report of the gps

is_valid = False

whether the gps data is valid

time_stamp = 0

timestamp of the gps data

class airgen.types.ImageRequest(camera_name, image_type, pixels_as_float=False, compress=True)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

A class to facilitate image capture requests in AirGen.

  • camera_name (str)

  • image_type (ImageType)

  • pixels_as_float (bool)

  • compress (bool)

camera_name: str = 'front_center'

description: name of the camera.

For car, the default camera names are: front_center, front_right, front_left, back_center, fpv, back_center. fpv camera is driver's head position in the car.

For multirotor, the default camera names are: front_center, front_right, front_left, bottom_center.

In computer vision mode, camera names are same as in multirotor.

Apart from these, you can add more cameras to the vehicles and external cameras which are not attached to any vehicle through the settings.json file.

compress: bool = False

if true, image is compressed using jpg, else uncompressed png. Cannot be true when pixels_as_float is true. Check ImageType for the proper parameters of each image type

image_type: ImageType = 0
pixels_as_float: bool = False

if true, image pixels are returned as float, else as uint8. Check ImageType for the proper parameters of each image type

class airgen.types.ImageResponse

Bases: MsgpackMixin

A class to handle and represent image responses from AirGen.

camera_fov: float = 0.0
camera_orientation: Quaternionr = <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
camera_position: Vector3r = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
compress: float = True
height: int = 0
image_data_float: List[float] = []

description: float image data stored in raw bytes. Empty if pixels_as_float is false.


>>> img1d = np.asarray(response.image_data_float, dtype=np.float32)
>>> img = img1d.reshape(response.height, response.width, num_channels)
image_data_uint8: bytes = b''

description: uint8 image data stored in raw bytes. Empty if pixels_as_float is true.


>>> img1d = np.frombuffer(response.image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) # get 1d numpy array
>>> img_rgb = img1d.reshape(response.height, response.width, 3) # reshape to 3 channel image array H X W X 3
image_type: ImageType = 0
message: str = ''
pixels_as_float: bool = False
time_stamp = 0
width: int = 0
class airgen.types.ImageType

Bases: object

Image types supported by AirGen.

Default settings of camera type in settings.json

    "CameraDefaults": {
        "CaptureSettings": [
            "ImageType": 0,
            "Width": 256,
            "Height": 256,
            "FOV_Degrees": 90,
            "AutoExposureSpeed": 100.0,
            "AutoExposureBias": 0,
            "MotionBlurAmount": 0.0,
            "MotionBlurMaxDistortion": 0.0,
            "TargetGamma": 1.0

example code: .. todo:: add link to example script for cameras

DepthPerspective = 2

decription: distance between object and camera's focal point. This is suitable for point cloud reconstruction.

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: True

  • compress: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype:np.float32 and shape:[height, width, 1]

DepthPlanar = 1

description: distance between object and camera's imaging plane, i.e., all points that are plane-parallel to the camera have same depth

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: True

  • compress: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype:np.float32 and shape:[height, width, 1]

DepthVis = 3

description: encodes depth info into RGB channels for visualization. Each pixel value is interpolated from black to white depending on depth in camera plane in meters. The pixels with pure white means depth of 100m or more while pure black means depth of 0 meters.

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: False

image stored as numpy array with dtype:uint8 and shape: [height, width, 3]

DisparityNormalized = 4

description: normalized disparity, each pixel is (Xl - Xr)/Xmax, which is thereby normalized to values between 0 to 1.

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: True

  • compress: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype=np.float32 and shape:[height, width, 1]

Infrared = 7

description: Currently this is just a map from object's SegmentationID to grey scale 0-255. So any mesh with object ID 42 shows up with color (42, 42, 42).

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype:uint8 and shape:[height, width, 3]

OpticalFlow = 8

description: optical flow, information about motion perceived by the point of view of the camera of the scene. OpticalFlow returns a 2-channel image where the channels correspond to vx and vy respectively.

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: True

  • compress: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype:np.float32 and shape:[height, width, 2]

OpticalFlowVis = 9

description: encodes optical flow into RGB channels for visualization

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype:uint8 and shape:[height, width, 3]

Scene = 0

description: RGB image

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype:uint8 array with shape:[height, width, 3]

Segmentation = 5

descritpion: RGB image where each pixel encodes a unique Segmentation ID of object. It is recommended that you request uncompressed image using this API

pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: False

  • compress: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype:uint8 and shape:[height, width, 3]

SurfaceNormals = 6

description: surface normals of objects in the scene encoded into RGB channels. To get unit vector of the normal, use the following formula: .. math:

x = (r / 255)*2.0 - 1.0
y = (g / 255)*2.0 - 1.0
z = (b / 255)*2.0 - 1.0
pertinent parameters in ImageRequest:
  • pixels_as_float: False

image data stored as numpy array with dtype:uint8 and shape:[height, width, 3]

static to_str(image_type)

convert image type to string


image_type (int) -- _description_



Return type:


class airgen.types.ImuData

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Imu for multirotor and cars in AirGen.

default settings in settings.json:

    "DefaultSensors": {
        "IMUSensorName": {
            "SensorType": 2,
            "Enabled" : true,
            "AngularRandomWalk": 0.3, # TODO: ADD explanation
            "GyroBiasStabilityTau": 500,
            "GyroBiasStability": 4.6,
            "VelocityRandomWalk": 0.24,
            "AccelBiasStabilityTau": 800,
            "AccelBiasStability": 36


>>> imu_data=airgen_client.getImuData("IMUSensorName")
angular_velocity: Vector3r = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}

angular velocity of the imu

linear_acceleration: Vector3r = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}

linear acceleration of the imu

orientation: Quaternionr = <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}

orientation of the imu

time_stamp = 0

timestamp of the imu data

class airgen.types.KinematicsState

Bases: MsgpackMixin

angular_acceleration = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
angular_velocity = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
linear_acceleration = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
linear_velocity = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
orientation = <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
position = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
class airgen.types.LandedState

Bases: object

Flying = 1
Landed = 0
class airgen.types.LidarData

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Lidar for multirotor and cars in AirGen. Multiple Lidar with different settings can be installed on a vehicle with different Lidar sensor names.

default settings in settings.json:

    "DefaultSensors": {
        "LidarSensorName": {
            "SensorType": 6,
            "Enabled" : true,
            "NumberOfChannels": 16, # Number of channels/lasers of the lidar
            "Range": 10000, # Max distance of the lidar in meters
            "RotationsPerSecond": 10, # Number of times the lidar rotates per second
            "PointsPerSecond": 100000, # Number of points captured per second
            "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": -1, # Position of the lidar relative to the vehicle (in NED, in meters)
            "Roll": 0, "Pitch": 0, "Yaw" : 0, # Orientation of the lidar relative to the vehicle (in degrees, yaw-pitch-roll order to front vector +X)
            "VerticalFOVUpper": -15, # Vertical FOV upper limit for the lidar, in degrees (multirotor -15, car +10)
            "VerticalFOVLower": -45, # Vertical FOV lower limit for the lidar, in degrees (multirotor -45, car -10)
            "HorizontalFOVStart": 0, # Horizontal FOV start for the lidar, in degrees
            "HorizontalFOVEnd": 359, #Horizontal FOV end for the lidar, in degrees
            "DrawDebugPoints": true,
            "DataFrame": "SensorLocalFrame" # Frame for the points in output ("VehicleInertialFrame" or "SensorLocalFrame")


>>> lidar_data=airgen_client.getLidarData("LidarSensorName")
point_cloud: List[float] = []

point cloud data represented by a list of 3d coordinates ([x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1...]), len(point_cloud) = 3 * NumberOfPoints

pose: Pose = <Pose> {   'orientation': <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0},     'position': <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}}

pose of the lidar sensor

segmentation: List[int] = []

Segmentation Id of each point in the point cloud, len(segmentation) = NumberOfPoints

time_stamp = 0

timestamp of the lidar data

class airgen.types.MagnetometerData

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Magnetometer for multirotor and cars in AirGen.

default settings in settings.json:

    "DefaultSensors": {
        "MagnetometerSensorName": {
            "SensorType": 3, # TODO: ADD explanation"SensorType": 4,
            "Enabled" : true,
            "NoiseSigma": 0.005,
            "ScaleFactor": 1,
            "NoiseBias": 0,
            "UpdateLatency": 0,
            "UpdateFrequency": 50,
            "StartupDelay": 0


>>> magnetometer_data=airgen_client.getMagnetometerData("MagnetometerSensorName")
magnetic_field_body: Vector3r = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}

timestamp of the magnetometer data

magnetic_field_covariance: float = 0.0

magnetic field covariance of the magnetometer

time_stamp = 0

timestamp of the magnetometer data

class airgen.types.MeshPositionVertexBuffersResponse

Bases: MsgpackMixin

indices = 0.0
name = ''
orientation = <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
position = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
vertices = 0.0
class airgen.types.MsgpackMixin

Bases: object

classmethod from_msgpack(encoded)
to_msgpack(*args, **kwargs)
class airgen.types.MultirotorState

Bases: MsgpackMixin

can_arm = False
collision = <CollisionInfo> {   }
gps_location = <GeoPoint> {   'altitude': 0.0,     'latitude': 0.0,     'longitude': 0.0}
kinematics_estimated = <KinematicsState> {   }
landed_state = 0
rc_data = <RCData> {   'is_initialized': False,     'is_valid': False,     'pitch': 0.0,     'roll': 0.0,     'switch1': 0,     'switch2': 0,     'switch3': 0,     'switch4': 0,     'switch5': 0,     'switch6': 0,     'switch7': 0,     'switch8': 0,     'throttle': 0.0,     'timestamp': 0,     'yaw': 0.0}
ready = False
ready_message = ''
timestamp = 0
class airgen.types.PIDGains(kp, ki, kd)

Bases: object

Struct to store values of PID gains. Used to transmit controller gain values while instantiating AngleLevel/AngleRate/Velocity/PositionControllerGains objects.


Proportional gain




Integrator gain




Derivative gain



class airgen.types.Pose(position_val=None, orientation_val=None)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

static nanPose()
orientation = <Quaternionr> {   'w_val': 1.0,     'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
position = <Vector3r> {   'x_val': 0.0,     'y_val': 0.0,     'z_val': 0.0}
class airgen.types.PositionControllerGains(x_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>, y_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>, z_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>)

Bases: object

Struct to contain controller gains used by position PID controller


kP, kI, kD for X axis




kP, kI, kD for Y axis




kP, kI, kD for Z axis



class airgen.types.ProjectionMatrix

Bases: MsgpackMixin

matrix = []
class airgen.types.Quaternionr(w_val=1.0, x_val=0.0, y_val=0.0, z_val=0.0)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Airgen's representation of quaternion in wxyz format.

classmethod from_axis_angle(angle)

create a quaternion from axis and angle

  • axis (Vector3r) -- axis of rotation

  • angle (float) -- angle of rotation


quaternion representing the rotation

Return type:


classmethod from_euler_angles(pitch, roll, yaw)

transform from euler angles to quaternion

  • pitch (float) -- pitch in radians. Positive pitch means tilt upward

  • roll (float) -- roll in radians

  • yaw (float) -- roll in radians


quaternion representation of the euler angles

Return type:


static nanQuaternionr()
slerp(other, fraction)
w_val = 0.0
property wxyz: Tuple[float, float, float, float]

return the quaternion as a tuple (w, x, y, z)


(w, x, y, z)

Return type:

Tuple[float, float, float, float]

x_val = 0.0
property xyzw: Tuple[float, float, float, float]

return the quaternion as a tuple (x, y, z, w)


(x, y, z, w)

Return type:

Tuple[float, float, float, float]

y_val = 0.0
z_val = 0.0
class airgen.types.RCData(timestamp=0, pitch=0.0, roll=0.0, throttle=0.0, yaw=0.0, switch1=0, switch2=0, switch3=0, switch4=0, switch5=0, switch6=0, switch7=0, switch8=0, is_initialized=False, is_valid=False)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

is_initialized = False
is_valid = False
pitch = 0.0
roll = 0.0
switch1 = 0
switch2 = 0
switch3 = 0
switch4 = 0
switch5 = 0
switch6 = 0
switch7 = 0
switch8 = 0
throttle = 0.0
timestamp = 0
yaw = 0.0
class airgen.types.RotorStates

Bases: MsgpackMixin

rotors = []
timestamp = 0
class airgen.types.Vector2r(x_val=0.0, y_val=0.0)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Airgen Vector2r class that represents 2d vector, mainly used for parameters in simAPI calls.

x_val = 0.0
y_val = 0.0
class airgen.types.Vector3r(x_val=0.0, y_val=0.0, z_val=0.0)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

Airgen Vector3r class that represents 3d vector, mainly used for parameters in simAPI calls.

static nanVector3r()
x_val = 0.0
y_val = 0.0
z_val = 0.0
class airgen.types.VelocityControllerGains(x_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>, y_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>, z_gains=<airgen.types.PIDGains object>)

Bases: object

Struct to contain controller gains used by velocity PID controller


kP, kI, kD for X axis




kP, kI, kD for Y axis




kP, kI, kD for Z axis



class airgen.types.WeatherParameter

Bases: object

Dust = 6
Enabled = 8
Fog = 7
MapleLeaf = 4
Rain = 0
RoadLeaf = 5
RoadSnow = 3
Roadwetness = 1
Snow = 2
class airgen.types.YawMode(is_rate=True, yaw_or_rate=0.0)

Bases: MsgpackMixin

is_rate = True
yaw_or_rate = 0.0