I do not see the simulation streaming after I start a session

  • In certain browsers, the streaming does not start automatically and we’re investigating this. In the meantime, you can try clicking on the simulation streaming pane (top right) to start the streaming manually.

I am unable to drive the wheeled robots with keyboard

  • This is most likely to happen if you’ve already run some code, such as the first cell in the notebook. The initialization of the simulation client enables API control for the robot, thus disabling keyboard control. To regain keyboard control, run airgen_car_0.client.enableApiControl(False) in a notebook cell.

I tried to use the terminal (LLM) to do X and it does not work

  • Currently, the LLM only has access to a limited set of API for the simulation/robot, so it will not be able to run every type of instruction. We are working on integrating more functionality into the scope of the LLM.

Unable to start session - it says I already have an ongoing session

  • The Platform does not currently allow for multiple simultaneous sessions. To start a new session while one is ongoing, navigate to Session History → Active Sessions and terminate the ongoing one.

The progress bar in the codeblocks is stuck at 0%

  • This is a known issue and we are working on fixing it. The code is still running in the background, so you can ignore the progress bar. Once the code finishes running, the rotating circle icon will disappear.

My drone/car crashed and I cannot control/move it anymore

  • Press Backspace to reset the robot to its default starting position.

How do I move the camera manually within the simulation?

  • Click on the simulator, and then press M to enter manual camera mode. Pressing H within the simulator context also shows a list of keyboard shortcuts and functionality.

Why does my Terminal show ”…” and not allow me to type?

  • You cannot access the terminal (LLM interaction window) when there is code running in the notebook.

Using the controller to move the robot is not working

  • This feature has only been tested for Chrome and we are in the process of enabling it for other browsers.

How do I run video-native AI models on the platform?

  • Unlike image data which are passed as numpy arrays, for videos, we pass the video path as a string to the model. Given each model has a different preprocessing pipeline, we request you to write your video data to disk and pass the path to the model. The model will read the video and process it accordingly. We will be working on enabling video data to be passed as numpy arrays directly to the model in the future.

How to enable the third person camera to follow my robot on Isaac so I don’t loose track of it while it is moving?

  • GRID provides the feature to always track the robot with Isaac ensuring that the user never looses track of the robot. Adding the following configuration to the custom.yaml ensures that the third person camera follows the robot.
  eye: [-3.0, 0.0, 1.5] # enter camera location (x, y, z) 
  lookat: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] 
  origin_type: asset_root 
  env_index: 0 
  asset_name: robot # asset name to follow

How do I zoom in, zoom out, or move around and explore the scene in Isaac Sim?

  • The users can change the livestream variable to 3 and the headless variable to true in the custom.yaml. This would allow the users to use the mouse scroll to zoom in and out along with all the other mouse shortcuts for Isaac Sim.

To view the simulation, users will now have to go to this link.

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