Object Detection

This feature lets you generate object detection labels using the RGB camera in AirGen. To start with, you can set which object(s) should be detected and returned by this feature by name and radius from the camera. One can control these settings for each camera, image type, and vehicle combination separately. The output of this feature is a list of detected objects with their bounding boxes and 3D bounding boxes.


Set mesh name to detect:

simAddDetectionFilterMeshName(camera_name, image_type, mesh_name, vehicle_name='')

Clear all mesh names previously added:

simClearDetectionMeshNames(camera_name, image_type, vehicle_name='')

Set detection radius in cm:

simSetDetectionFilterRadius(camera_name, image_type, radius_cm, vehicle_name='')

Get detections:

simGetDetections(camera_name, image_type, vehicle_name='')

The return value of simGetDetections is a DetectionInfo array.

    name = ''
    geo_point = GeoPoint()
    box2D = Box2D()
    box3D = Box3D()
    relative_pose = Pose()