Ground Truth

The following functions provide access to ground truth data about the robot such as its pose, velocity, etc.

client = airgen.VehicleClient()
pose = client.simGetVehiclePose()
kinematics = client.simGetGroundTruthKinematics()

The output of simGetVehiclePose is a Pose object. Pose is composed of a 3-vector, and a quaternion. The output of simGetGroundTruthKinematics is a KinematicsState object that is composed of pose, twist, and acceleration.

  position = Vector3r()
  orientation = Quaternionr()

  position = Vector3r()
  orientation = Quaternionr()
  linear_velocity = Vector3r()
  angular_velocity = Vector3r()
  linear_acceleration = Vector3r()
  angular_acceleration = Vector3r()