Advanced Mode

This section provides an overview of the advanced settings available within GRID Enterprise. These settings provide further customization and control over your development setup.

Docker Commands

While the GRID Enterprise's CLI seamlessly handles Docker authentication and basic orchestration, advanced users may seek greater control and customization by interacting directly with Docker. The following Docker commands provide a deeper level of control over containers and their configurations.

  1. Monitor Container Logs

    Monitoring container logs is crucial for debugging and ensuring that your applications are running smoothly.


    docker logs -f <container_name>


    • -f: Follows the log output in real-time, allowing you to monitor logs as they are generated.


    docker logs -f grid_core_sdk
  2. Access Container Shell

    Accessing the container's shell allows for in-depth troubleshooting and direct interaction with the container's environment.


    docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash


    • -i: Interactive mode.

    • -t: Allocates a pseudo-TTY.

    • /bin/bash: Specifies the shell to use inside the container.


    docker exec -it grid_core_sdk /bin/bash
  3. Inspect Container Details

    Inspecting a container provides detailed information about its configuration, state, and resource usage, aiding in troubleshooting and optimization.


    docker inspect <container_name>


    • Retrieves comprehensive details about the specified container in JSON format.


    docker inspect grid_core_sdk
  4. Monitor Container Resource Usage

    Keeping track of a container's resource consumption ensures that it operates efficiently without overusing system resources.


    docker stats <container_name>


    • Provides real-time statistics on CPU, memory, network, and disk usage for the specified container.


    docker stats grid_core_sdk
  5. Update Docker Containers

    Updating containers ensures that you have the latest features, security patches, and performance improvements. This process involves pulling the latest image, stopping and removing the existing container, and deploying a new one with the updated image.

    Steps to Update a Container:

    1. Pull the Latest Image

      docker pull


      docker pull
    2. Stop the Running Container

      docker stop <container_name>


      docker stop grid_core_sdk
    3. Remove the Existing Container

      docker rm <container_name>


      docker rm grid_core_sdk
    4. Run the Updated Container

      docker run -d --name <container_name>


      docker run -d --name grid_core_sdk

Data Storage

Images generated during sessions are saved inside the Docker container in the /app/images directory. To save an image using Python, use the following code snippet:

import os
from PIL import Image

# Define the directory inside the container where images are saved
IMAGE_SAVE_DIR = "/app/images"

# Ensure the directory exists
os.makedirs(IMAGE_SAVE_DIR, exist_ok=True)

# Save the image, "generated_image.png"))

To transfer the saved images from the Docker container to a location on your host machine, use the docker cp command as shown below:

docker cp <container_name>:/app/images /path/on/host


If your container is named grid_core and you want to copy images to /home/user/images, run:

docker cp grid_core:/app/images /home/user/images

This command copies all images from the container's /app/images directory to your specified host directory, allowing you to access and manage them outside the Docker environment.

API Reference

Apart from the CLI, which is meant to be an easy-to-use orchestration module for GRID sessions, the Enterprise also allows you to interact directly with GRID APIs to start/stop sessions. This section provides a detailed reference for the GRID Enterprise's GRIDSessionManager class, which manages user sessions, including session creation, management, and termination. Below is a description of the class methods and their usage.

GRIDSessionManager Class

The GRIDSessionManager class handles session management for users, including generating JWT tokens, starting and stopping sessions, listing active sessions, and managing resource configurations.


Initializes a GRIDSessionManager instance by loading the resource configuration from ~/.grid/resource_config.json. If the configuration file does not exist, it prompts the user to input the necessary tokens and creates the configuration file.

  • Raises: - ValueError: If the configuration file does not contain 'tokens'.

def __init__(self) -> None:

Method: load_resource_config

Loads the resource configuration from the default path ~/.grid/resource_config.json. If the file does not exist, it creates the directory and prompts the user to input the required tokens and resource details.

  • Returns: - Dict: The loaded resource configuration dictionary.

def load_resource_config(self):

Method: generate_jwt_token

Generates a JWT token using the user ID and a predefined secret key.

  • Returns: - str: The generated JWT token.

def generate_jwt_token(self) -> str:

Method: create_config

Creates a session configuration dictionary based on the provided session configuration file.

  • Parameters: - session_config_file_path (str): Path to the session configuration file containing AirGen and GRID settings. - session_id (str): The unique identifier for the session.

  • Returns: - Dict: A dictionary containing the combined session configuration.

  • Raises: - ValueError: If the session configuration file does not contain 'airgen' or 'grid' settings.

def create_config(self, session_config_file_path: str, session_id: str) -> Dict:

Method: get_ip_for_resource

Retrieves the IP address for the specified resource name.

  • Parameters: - resource_name (str): The name of the resource.

  • Returns: - Optional[str]: The IP address of the resource if found, otherwise None.

def get_ip_for_resource(self, resource_name: str) -> Optional[str]:

Method: start_session

Starts a new session by sending a request to the specified node IP.

  • Parameters: - session_id (str): The unique identifier for the session. - session_config_file_path (str): Path to the session configuration file. - node_ip (str): The IP address of the node where the session will be started.

  • Returns: - Optional[bool]: True if the session was started successfully, False if it failed, or None if a request error occurs.

async def start_session(
    self, session_id: str, session_config_file_path: str, node_ip: str
) -> Optional[bool]:

Method: stop_session

Stops an active session by sending a termination request to the associated node.

  • Parameters: - session_id (str): The unique identifier for the session to be stopped.

  • Returns: - bool: True if the session was stopped successfully, False otherwise.

async def stop_session(self, session_id: str) -> bool:

Method: list_sessions

Lists all active sessions, providing details such as session ID, node IP, and last active time.

  • Returns: - List[Dict]: A list of dictionaries containing session details, or an empty list if no active sessions are found.

async def list_sessions(self) -> List[Dict]:

Method: list_nodes

Lists all configured nodes with their corresponding IP addresses.

  • Returns: - None: Prints the list of nodes in a tabulated format. If no nodes are found, it notifies the user.

def list_nodes(self):

Method: get_ip_for_resource (Previously Undocumented)

Retrieves the IP address for the specified resource name.

  • Parameters: - resource_name (str): The name of the resource.

  • Returns: - Optional[str]: The IP address of the resource if found, otherwise None.

def get_ip_for_resource(self, resource_name: str) -> Optional[str]:

Usage Examples

Below are examples of how to use the GRIDSessionManager class.

Creating an Instance:

Initializes a GRIDSessionManager instance.

manager = GRIDSessionManager()

Starting a Session:

Starts a new session by specifying the session ID, session configuration file path, and node IP.

await manager.start_session(

Stopping a Session:

Stops an active session by providing the session ID.

await manager.stop_session(session_id="session_001")

Listing Active Sessions:

Retrieves and displays all active sessions with their details.

await manager.list_sessions()

Listing Configured Nodes:

Displays all configured nodes along with their IP addresses.
