Operator Mode

The Operator Mode is a specialized interface within the GRID platform designed for operators to manage and oversee missions. This mode provides a familiar and intuitive mission management environment with real-time telemetry and mission planning capabilities. The intent of the operator mode is to provide an interface to operate and manage a real robot, but it is currently connected to the AirGen simulation, with real robot integrations coming in the future.

Xbox Controller Support

AirGen supports interaction with an Xbox controller through the browser. Please note the following:

Operator Mode

The operator mode consists of several key components:


  • Tested only on Google Chrome

  • Tested only on a wired Xbox controller

  • Designed specifically for drone control


If the browser doesn't detect the connected Xbox controller: - Unplug and re-plug the controller - Press any button on the controller

After the controller is detected, click Connect to simulator to get started.

Controller Instructions

Left Joystick
  • Y-axis (up/down): Move drone up and down

  • X-axis (left/right): Turn drone left and right

Right Joystick
  • Y-axis (up/down): Move drone forward and backward

  • X-axis (left/right): Move drone left and right

  • Y button: record current position as a waypoint

  • B button: interrupt waypoint mission and let Xbox controller regain control


Y-axis refers to vertical movement, X-axis to horizontal movement of the joysticks.