For both aerial and wheeled robots, AirGen offers a comprehensive suite of camera sensors that play a crucial role in simulation and data generation. These sensors provide various modalities representative of commonly used sensor types and are essential for creating high-fidelity data for AI model training or testing.
Camera Modalities
AirGen has several classes of camera modalities, offering unique data essential for different aspects of robotic perception and navigation. Below is a list of modalities that are available:
- RGB: The most commonly used camera sensor: captures RGB/scene data.
- Depth: Capture depth information to understand the spatial structure of the environment.
- Segmentation: Provide segmented views of the scene, useful for object recognition and scene understanding.
- Infrared: Capture thermal data, enhancing vision in low-light conditions.
- Surface Normals: Provide data on surface orientation, critical for detailed object understanding.
- Optical Flow: Track motion across frames, aiding in dynamic scene analysis.
Available Camera Modalities
Each camera modality is identified by an ImageType
integer. The table below lists the current camera sensor modalities available in AirGen:
Camera Type | ImageType |
Scene (RGB) | 0 |
DepthPlanar | 1 |
DepthPerspective | 2 |
DepthVis | 3 |
DisparityNormalized | 4 |
Segmentation | 5 |
SurfaceNormals | 6 |
Infrared | 7 |
OpticalFlow | 8 |
OpticalFlowVis | 9 |
Camera Placement and Configuration
AirGen vehicles typically feature five strategically placed cameras: front_center
, front_right
, front_left
, bottom_center
, and back_center
. These positions ensure comprehensive coverage for simulation scenarios. The desired camera can be targeted by specifically stating the string from the ones listed above.
Image Capture
Extracting and Visualizing an RGB Image
Rendering an image through any of these cameras involves two steps:
- Use the
API: Use the getImages API to retrieve images from the desired camera, specifying the types of images (e.g., RGB, Depth). This API returns a list of images along with their associated camera poses. For example, to retrieve RGB and Depth perspective images from the front center camera (assuming the AirGen client has been set up):
The image_data is a list of tuples where each tuple contains an image and the corresponding camera pose at the time the image was captured.
- Parse the Response and Extract Images: The image_data list contains multiple entries based on the requested image types. Each entry consists of the actual image and the camera pose at the time of capture.
Extracting and Visualizing the RGB Image:
You can extract the first image (RGB) and visualize it using the rerun library as follows:
AirGen returns the images in RGB ordering, but OpenCV uses BGR ordering. So, you may need to reverse the channel order if you wish to use these images with OpenCV.
Extracting and Visualizing a Depth Image:
Similarly, you can extract and visualize the depth image using the rerun.DepthImage
Camera Control
AirGen provides methods for controlling camera settings within the simulation environment, including camera pose and field of view (FOV). Below are the key methods for camera manipulation.
This function sets the pose (position and orientation) of a specified camera. You can control both internal and external cameras.
To set the pose of the front_center
camera using AirGenCar:
- camera_name: Name of the camera
- pose: Pose object representing position and orientation
- vehicle_name: (Optional) Vehicle to which the camera is attached
- external: (Optional) Controls external cameras
- The Pose object follows the North-East-Down (NED) coordinate system.
- This method supports external camera control using the external flag.
Modifies the field of view (FOV) of a selected camera.
Set the FOV for the front_center
camera to 90 degrees:
- camera_name: Name of the camera
- fov_degrees: FOV in degrees
- vehicle_name: (Optional) Associated vehicle name
- external: (Optional) Controls external cameras
Coordinate System and Frame of Reference
Camera position and orientation follow the North-East-Down (NED) frame:
- X: Points forward (north)
- Y: Points right (east)
- Z: Points downward
Further Reading
AirGen contains three types of depth sensors: DepthPerspective, DepthPlanar, and DepthVis.
DepthPerspective is a depth sensor that uses a perspective projection model. In this image, each pixel represents the depth from the camera position using a projection ray that hits the object corresponding to that pixel.
DepthPlanar is a depth sensor that returns depths in the camera plane, i.e., all points that are plane-parallel to the camera have same depth.
DepthVis is a depth sensor that returns a depth image that is visualized as a B/W image. In this case, each pixel value is interpolated from black to white depending on depth in camera plane in meters. The pixels with pure white means depth of 100m or more while pure black means depth of 0 meters.
DepthPerspective and DepthPlanar return floating point images, whereas DepthVis is a uint8
image in the range 0-255.
The segmentation camera returns image representations of ground truth segmentation of the scene. At the startup, AirGen assigns value 0 to 255 to each mesh available in the environment. This value is then mapped to a specific color in a predefined color palette. Given which meshes are visible from the camera, the camera returns an image containing the masks with the corresponding colors.
Assigning segmentation IDs
By default, AirGen assigns a unique ID to each mesh in the environment. However, you can assign your own IDs to the meshes using the simSetSegmentationObjectID method. This method takes the mesh name and the ID as arguments. The following code snippet demonstrates how to assign a custom ID to a mesh:
Environments often contain many meshes that are of the same object type. For example, a room may contain many chairs, and a factory may contain many machines. In such cases, it is useful to assign the same ID to all the meshes of the same type. AirGen supports regex based ID assignment. The following code snippet demonstrates how to assign the same ID to all the meshes of the same type:
An object’s ID can be set to -1 to make it not show up on the segmentation image.
Infrared / Thermal
AirGen includes an infrared/thermal camera view which simulates a non-radiometric thermal camera. Under the hood, the infrared camera view uses a similar principle as the segmentation view, but instead of using the color palette to map mesh IDs to colors, it uses a grayscale palette to map objects to grayscale values which can be thought of as relative temperatures. The infrared camera view is useful for visualizing the temperature distribution of the objects in the view, and can be used to identify hotspots and cold spots in the scene.
Users can use the simSetSegmentationObjectID function to assign a unique pixel value to the objects they want to visualize in the infrared camera view. The pixel value is then mapped to a grayscale value in the infrared camera view. For example, the following code assigns the highest pixel value to the object with the name Fire (assuming an object name starting with ‘Fire’ exists in the scene), and then captures an infrared image
It is important to note that the infrared camera view is not a true thermal camera, and the grayscale values do not correspond to actual temperatures.
Surface Normals
The surface normals camera is a view that renders the ground truth surface normals of the objects visible in the field of view as RGB colors. This is useful for viewpoint estimation, path planning and other tasks that require the 3D geometry of the scene.
Because the normal vectors at any pixel are 3D vectors with components in the range of [-1, 1], they are encoded as RGB colors by simply scaling and shifting the components to the range of [0, 255]. The normal vector (0, 0, 1) is encoded as the color (128, 128, 255), the normal vector (0, 0, -1) is encoded as the color (128, 128, 0), and so on. The encoding is represented as:
And hence, to obtain the true normal vectors from the RGB colors, the following decoding should be used:
Optical Flow
Optical flow is the pattern of apparent motion of image objects between two consecutive frames caused by the movement of object or camera. It is 2D vector field where each vector is a displacement vector showing the movement of points from first frame to second. AirGen’s optical flow camera outputs a 2D image with the channels corresponding to X and Y components of the pixel motion.
There are two optical flow cameras available in AirGen.
OpticalFlow is the raw optical flow camera which outputs the 2-channel vector field as described above.
OpticalFlowVis is a 3-channel image which visualizes the optical flow as an RGB image. The color of the pixels corresponds to the direction of the motion. This view is useful for debugging and visualization purposes but should not be used as an estimation of the motion.
Object Detection
This feature lets you generate object detection labels using the RGB camera in AirGen. To start with, you can set which object(s) should be detected and returned by this feature by name and radius from the camera. One can control these settings for each camera, image type, and vehicle combination separately. The output of this feature is a list of detected objects with their bounding boxes and 3D bounding boxes.
Set mesh name to detect:
Clear all mesh names previously added:
Set detection radius in cm:
Get detections:
The return value of simGetDetections is a DetectionInfo array.
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