Isaac Humanoid
Inherits from: RosAgent
A ROS-based humanoid robot interface for Isaac Sim.
This class provides an interface to control a humanoid robot in Isaac Sim through ROS. It supports both locomotion and arm control modes.
Initialize an IsaacHumanoid robot instance.
This initializes either a locomotion-controlled or arm-controlled humanoid robot. For arm control, it sets up left and right arms with appropriate ROS topics. For locomotion control, it initializes a single locomotion controller.
To use actuate this class please use the IsaacHumanoid.locomotion
or IsaacHumanoid.larm
and IsaacHumanoid.rarm
attributes. See IsaacLocomotion and IsaacArm for more information.
For arm control you will need to specify the arm you want to use. For example:
getImage (inherited)
Get image from named image client.
getPosition (inherited)
Get position from named pose client.
Position | list: Position object or raw position data
This is only applicable to the locomotion controller.
getOrientation (inherited)
Get orientation from named pose client.
Orientation of agent as a quaternion
This is only applicable to the locomotion controller.
run (inherited)
Run all ROS clients