AirGen Utilities
- airgen.utils.general.get_public_fields(obj)
get all public fields of an object (not starting with _)
- Parameters:
obj (Object)
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.general.list_to_2d_float_array(flst, width, height)
convert a list of floats to a 2d array
- Parameters:
flst (List[float])
width (int)
height (int)
- Returns:
numpy array with dtype=np.float32, shape=(height, width)
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.general.string_to_float_array(bstr)
convert a string to a float array
- Parameters:
bstr (str|bytes) -- _description_
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.general.string_to_uint8_array(bstr)
convert a string to a uint8 array
- Parameters:
bstr (str|bytes)
- Returns:
numpy array with dtype uint8
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.general.to_dict(obj)
Convert an object to a dictionary of its public fields
- Parameters:
obj (Object)
- Return type:
dic (Dict[str, Any])
- airgen.utils.general.to_str(obj)
Convert an object to a string of its public fields
- Parameters:
obj (object)
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.general.vector3d2list(vector3d)
turn an AirGen Vector3r into a list of three floats
- Parameters:
vector3d (Vector3r)
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.general.wait_key(message='')
Wait for a key press on the console and return it.
- airgen.utils.general.write_file(filename, bstr)
Write binary data to file. Used for writing compressed PNG images
- airgen.utils.sensor.imagetype2request(camera_name, image_type)
helper function that creates uncompressed AirGen ImageRequest for image type
- Parameters:
camera_name (Literal["front_center", "bottom_center"])
image_type (ImageType)
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.sensor.responses2images(responses)
help function that converts a list of AirGen ImageResponse to a list of (image, camera_params) tuple
- Parameters:
responses (List[ImageResponse]) -- list of AirGen ImageResponse
- Raises:
ValueError -- if response' image type is among listed below
- Returns:
list of (image, camera_params) tuple
- Return type:
List[Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[str, Any]]]
- image:
, image data is RGB image, numpy array with dtype=np.uint8, shape=(height, width, 3)For
, image data is depth image in meters, numpy array with dtype=np.float32, shape=(height, width, 1)For
, image data is array of objects' SegmentationIDs, numpy array with dtype=np.uint8, shape=(height, width, 1)For
, image data is array of unit vector (normalized length), numpy array with dtype=np.float32, shape=(height, width, 3)For
, image data is array of displacements in x,y directions, numpy array with dtype=np.float32, shape=(height, width, 2)For
, image data is array of infrared values (object's SegmentationID for now), numpy array with dtype=np.uint8, shape=(height, width, 1)
- camera parameters:
width (int): image width
height (int): image height
fov (float): camera field of view in degrees
camera_position (List[float]): camera position (x,y,z) in airgen (NED frame)
camera_orientation_euler_pry (List[float]): camera orientation (pitch, roll, yaw) in degrees
camera_orientation_quat_wxyz (List[float]): camera orientation (w,x,y,z) in quaternion format
- airgen.utils.mechanics.cameracoord2worldcoord(camera_coord, camera_params)
given airgen camera parameters, transform camera coordinate back to airgen world coordinate
- Parameters:
camera_coord (List[float]) -- (x,y,z)
camera_params (dict) -- camera parameters
- Returns:
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.mechanics.homo_coord_to_nonhome_coord(home_coord)
turn homogeneous coordinates to non-homogeneous coordinates (factoring out the last dimension)
- Parameters:
home_coord (ivy.Array) -- of shape (..., n)
- Returns:
of shape (..., n-1)
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.mechanics.imagecoord2direction(pixelcoord, camera_param)
Given camera parameters (position, pose, and fov) and pixel coordinate, return the 3D direction of the pixel with respect to the camera
- Parameters:
pixelcoord (Tuple[float, float]) -- coordinate of the pixel in the image in xy format
camera_param (Dict[str, Any]) -- camera parameters
- Returns:
normalized unit (directional) vector (x, y, z)
- Return type:
Tuple[float, float, float]
- airgen.utils.mechanics.imagecoord2orientation(pixelcoord, camera_param)
Given camera parameters (position, pose, and fov) and pixel coordinate, return the 3D direction of the pixel with respect to the camera represented in yaw and pitch (absolute degrees)
- Parameters:
pixelcoord (Tuple[float, float]) -- coordinate of the pixel in the image in xy format
camera_param (Dict[str, Any]) -- camera parameters
- Returns:
target pitch, roll, yaw in radians
- Return type:
Tuple[float, float float]
- airgen.utils.mechanics.imagecoord2pose(pixelcoord, point_depth, camera_param)
convert pixel coordinate to 3D coordinate
- Parameters:
pixelcoord (Tuple[float, float]) -- coordinate of the pixel in the image in xy format
point_depth (float) -- depth of the point
camera_param (Dict[str, Any]) -- camera parameters
- Returns:
target coordinate in (x, y, z) Tuple[float, float, float]: target orientation in (pitch, roll, yaw) in radians
- Return type:
Tuple[float, float, float]
- airgen.utils.mechanics.pose2vector(pitch, roll, yaw)
transform target direction represnted in (pitch, roll, yaw) in radians to directional vector
- Parameters:
pitch (float) -- in radians
roll (float) -- in radians
yaw (float) -- in radians
- Returns:
unit directional vector (x,y,z)
- Return type:
Tuple[float, float, float]
- airgen.utils.mechanics.quat_wxyz_to_xyzw(quat_wxyz)
transform quaternion (represented by list of floats) from wxyz format to xyzw format
- Parameters:
quat_wxyz (List[Float])
- Returns:
quaternion in xyzw format
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.mechanics.rotate_xy(vec, theta)
rotate xy-component of 3d vector by theta (in degrees) counter-clockwise (in xy plane)
Assume looking from positive z-axis, the orientation is
^ y | | |______> x
- Parameters:
vec (np.ndarray) -- shape (3,)
theta (float) -- angles in degrees
- Returns:
rotated vector shape (3,)
- Return type:
- airgen.utils.mechanics.to_eularian_angles(q)
transform from quaternion to euler angles
- Parameters:
q (Quaternionr) -- quaternion in wxyz format
- Returns:
pitch, roll, yaw in radians
- Return type:
Tuple[float, float, float]
- airgen.utils.mechanics.vec2eulerangles(vec)
transform airgen directional vector to euler angles
- Parameters:
vec (ndarray) -- directional vector of shape (N, 3)
- Returns:
euler angles of shape (N, 3), each row is (pitch, roll, yaw) in degrees
- Return type:
given airgen camera parameters, build camera inverse extrinsic matrix and camera intrinsic matrix
- Parameters:
camera_params (dict) -- airgen camera parameters
- Returns:
inverse of camera extrinsic matrix and inverse of camera calibration matrix
- Return type:
Tuple[ivy.Array, ivy.Array]
given airgen camera parameters, build camera intrinsic matrix
- Parameters:
camera_params (dict) -- aigen camera parameters
- Return type:
given airgen camera parameters, build camera inverse extrinsic matrix
- Parameters:
camera_params (dict) -- airgen camera parameters
- Returns:
inverse of camera extrinsic matrix
- Return type:
-, cam_inv_ext_mat, cam_inv_calib_mat)
generate point cloud from depth image (depth perspective)
- Parameters:
depth (np.ndarray) -- of shape (H, W, 1)
cam_inv_ext_mat (ivy.Array) -- inverse of camera extrinsic matrix
cam_inv_calib_mat (ivy.Array) -- inverse of camera intrinsic matrix
- Returns:
point cloud of shape (N, 3)
- Return type:
-, camera_param, mask=None)
generating point cloud from depth image
- Parameters:
depth (np.ndarray) -- depth image of shape (H, W, 1)
camera_param (dict) -- camera parameters that contains fov, height, width and camera pose
mask (Optional[np.ndarray], optional) -- boolean (0/1) mask where 1 indicates object of interest, (H, W, 1). Defaults to None.
- Returns:
point cloud in airgen world coordinate of shape (N, 3)
- Return type:
- class airgen.utils.trajectory.Waypoint(x, y, z, yaw, time)
Store a waypoint.
- x,y,z
position in world frame
- yaw
Euler angle of waypoint
- time
time at which the waypoint is to be reached
- airgen.utils.trajectory.calc_time(start, end)
Calculate a fitting time for the trajectory between two waypoints.
- airgen.utils.trajectory.fit_min_snap_trajectory(waypoint_arr, isJoint=True)
Starting point of any generation.
Waypoints are given as an array of arrays and transformed into an array of Waypoints.
- airgen.utils.trajectory.joint(waypoints)
Calculate a trajectory by a joint operation.
- airgen.utils.trajectory.separate(waypoints)
Calculate a trajectory by separate operations.
- airgen.utils.visualize.rr_camera_capture_logger(rr_space_view_name)
Given a view space name (entity_path in rerun), return a function that can be used to log camera data (pose and capture in AirGen's 3D world coordinate) to that view space.
- Parameters:
rr_view_space_name (str) -- name of the view space (entity_path) in rerun
rr_space_view_name (str)
- Returns:
a function that can be used to log camera data to that view space.
- def log_camera_data(image: np.ndarray, camera_params: Dict[str, Any], camera_name: str):
- Return type:
- Usage:
>>> trajectory_logger = rr_camera_capture_logger("airgen_world") >>> trajectory_logger(image, camera_params, camera_name)
- airgen.utils.visualize.rr_log_airgen_image(entity_path, image_type, image, image_name='')
log images from airgen to rerun
- Parameters:
entity_path (str) -- _description_
image_type (ImageType) -- _description_
image (np.ndarray) -- _description_
image_name (str, optional) -- _description_
- Raises:
ValueError -- ValueError if image_type is not supported