This section provides detailed information on how to use the GRID Enterprise Command-Line Interface (CLI). The GRID CLI acts as an orchestration module for GRID sessions. Run it by typing grid at the terminal in the appropriate Python virtual environment. The CLI manages GRID sessions and Docker containers, and it depends on configuration files.

When initializing the GRID CLI for the first time, you will be prompted to provide credentials for the resource configuration file, which are then stored in ~/.grid/resource_config.json. The credentials will be provided to you during your onboarding process for the GRID Enterprise platform.

Along with the credentials, the resource configuration file also contains information about the nodes where you wish to run GRID sessions, as well as information about storage for saving GRID session data. For your convenience, the resource configuration file targets localhost by default, which allows you to run sessions on the same machine. If you wish to target other remote machines, see the following sections.

Configuration Overview

  1. Machine Configuration: The ~/.grid/resource_config.json file allows you to define remote machines. Note that the "local" section is present by default. To use a remote machine, ensure that you add the necessary keys for IP address, username, and password. For example:

      "resources": {
        "local": {},
        "remote": {
          "ip": "",
          "username": "usernamegoeshere",
          "password": "passwordgoeshere"

    When running GRID commands, always verify your node names (e.g., @local, @node0) before executing to ensure you are running them on the right machines.

  2. Mounting Storage: To mount a folder from the host to the GRID containers, add a storage key under the corresponding resource. For example, if you wish to mount a folder from localhost into the GRID containers:

      "resources": {
        "local": {
          "storage": {
            "code": "/home/test/Documents/code"

    This will mount /home/test/Documents/code on the host to /mnt/code in the GRID containers.

  3. Ports for Remote Access: If you are using GRID on a remote machine, ensure that the following ports are open to access the simulation, notebooks, and visualizations:

    • 8000: GRID server

    • 8890: Jupyter Notebook

    • 3080: Simulation

    • 9090: Rerun visualization

    • 9877: Rerun stream

Commands Overview

Below is a list of the available commands in the GRID Enterprise CLI. Resource targeting is done using the @resource_name syntax, defaulting to @local if no resource is specified.

The first step is to log into the GRID platform and initialize the containers. Open your terminal and run the following command:

Show Expected Output
 .d8888b.  8888888b.  8888888 8888888b.
d88P  Y88b 888   Y88b   888   888  "Y88b
888    888 888    888   888   888    888
888        888   d88P   888   888    888
888  88888 8888888P"    888   888    888
888    888 888 T88b     888   888    888
Y88b  d88P 888  T88b    888   888  .d88P
 "Y8888P88 888   T88b 8888888 8888888P"

Enter your username: <username>
Enter your password: ********
Enter your storage token:<storage_token>
Resource configuration file created successfully.
Loading resource configuration from /home/user/.grid/resource_config.json...
General Robot Intelligence Development Platform Console
Developed by Scaled Foundations, Inc.

Type 'help' or 'license' for more info.

Logs into the GRID registry using the username and password or access token. The resource can be specified using @resource_name.

login @local
Show Expected Output
Logging in to Scaled Foundations - GRID registry...
Login successful!

Spins up the GRID containers on the specified node (defaults to local` if no node is specified).

init @local
Show Expected Output
Spinning up grid_core on local...
Spinning up grid_service on local...
grid_core: ✓
grid_service: ✓
Containers are active.

Terminates the GRID containers on the specified node.

terminate @local
Show Expected Output
grid> terminate
Stopping containers...
grid_core: ❌
grid_service: ❌
Containers stopped successfully.

Updates the GRID containers on the specified node. You must be authenticated to the container registry for this to work.

update @local
Show Expected Output
Checking for updates...
Status: Image is up to date for
 Image pulled successfully.
Status: Image is up to date for
 Image pulled successfully.
session start <session_id> <config_path> @<resource_name>

Starts a session with the specified session ID and configuration path on the chosen resource (defaults to @local` if no resource is specified).

session start test_session ./config/session_config.json @node0
Show Expected Output
Starting session test_session ...
2024-09-10 16:42:51,676 - INFO - HTTP Request: POST http://localhost:8000/start_session "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
response: Starting session...
response: Downloading resources..
response_end: Session has been started successfully
Session started successfully.
session stop <session_id>

Stops the session with the specified ID.

session stop test_session
Show Expected Output
grid> session stop test_session
Stopping session test_session ...
2024-09-10 17:11:11,411 - INFO - HTTP Request: POST http://localhost:8000/terminate_session "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
Session stopped successfully.
session list

Lists all ongoing sessions.

session list
Show Expected Output
grid> session list
2024-09-10 17:10:53,338 - INFO - HTTP Request: GET http://localhost:8000/is_idle?session_id=hello_grid "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
| Session ID   | Node IP   | Last Active Time                 |
| test_session | localhost | 2024-09-10T23:42:51.674976+00:00 |
open <session_id> nb | sim | viz
Opens the corresponding entity for the specified session:
  • nb: Jupyter notebook

  • sim: Simulation stream

  • viz: Rerun visualization

open test_session nb
open test_session sim
open test_session viz
Show Expected Output
Opening nb for session hello_grid in default browser at http://localhost:8890
Opening sim for session hello_grid in default browser at http://localhost:3080
Opening viz for session hello_grid in default browser at http://localhost:9090/?url=ws://localhost:9877
  • Displays a list of all available commands and their functions.

Show Expected Output
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  exit  help  init  login  node  open  session  terminate  update