Hello GRID Tutorial

Welcome to the Hello GRID tutorial! This guide will walk you through setting up and running your first GRID session using the GRID Enterprise platform.


By default, all commands in this tutorial are executed on the local machine. If you are using a remote machine, you must specify it explicitly using the @<machine_name> syntax.

Getting Started

In this tutorial, you will:

  • Set up a GRID session using the CLI.

  • Start a simple simulation and open it in your browser.

  • Stop and terminate the session.

Setup and Initialization

Step 1: Initialize the GRID Platform

The first step is to log into the GRID platform and initialize the containers. Open your terminal and run the following command:

Show Expected Output
Enter your username: <username>
Enter your password: ********
Enter your storage token:<storage_token>
Resource configuration file created successfully.
Loading resource configuration from /home/user/.grid/resource_config.json...
General Robot Intelligence Development Platform Console
Developed by Scaled Foundations, Inc.

Type 'help' or 'license' for more info.

You can sign in using the provided credentials or access tokens. Once logged in, start the containers with:

Show Expected Output
Spinning up grid_core on local...
Spinning up grid_service on local...
grid_core: ✓
grid_service: ✓
Containers are active.

This command spins up the necessary containers on your local machine, preparing the environment for your session.

Starting Your First Session

Step 2: Start Your First GRID Session

Let’s now start a session that runs a pre-configured simulation. Execute the following command in your terminal:

session start hello_grid ./session_config.json
Show Expected Output
Starting session hello_grid ...
2024-09-10 16:42:51,676 - INFO - HTTP Request: POST http://localhost:8000/start_session "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
response: Starting session...
response: Downloading resources..
response_end: Session has been started successfully
Session started successfully.

This starts a session named hello_grid using the configuration provided in the session_config.json file.

Step 3: Open the Simulation

After the session starts, open the simulation in your browser with the open command:

open hello_grid sim
Show Expected Output
Opening sim for session hello_grid in default browser at http://localhost:3080
Simulation running in the browser

Simulation running successfully in the browser

This command will launch a browser window where you can view the running simulation.

Step 4: Open the Notebook Interface

You can also open the notebook interface for the session with:

open hello_grid nb
Show Expected Output
Opening nb for session hello_grid in default browser at http://localhost:8890
Notebook interface for GRID session

Notebook interface opened in the browser

Step 5: Open Visualization

Similarly, to visualize the data using rerun, use the following command:

open hello_grid viz
Show Expected Output
Opening viz for session hello_grid in default browser at http://localhost:9090/?url=ws://localhost:9877
Visualization running in the browser

Visualization interface opened in the browser

Once we have the development environment setup, this is how it looks like:

Setup screen for GRID platform

Successful development environment setup for GRID Enterprise platform

Managing Your Sessions

Step 6: List Active Sessions

To check all active sessions, use the following command:

session list
Show Expected Output
grid> session list
2024-09-10 17:10:53,338 - INFO - HTTP Request: GET http://localhost:8000/is_idle?session_id=hello_grid "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
| Session ID   | Node IP   | Last Active Time                 |
| hello_grid   | localhost | 2024-09-10T23:42:51.674976+00:00 |

This will display the list of ongoing sessions and their statuses.

Data Capture and Visualization

With our development environment setup, let's go ahead and write a simple script to capture data and visualize it on rerun.

from grid.robot.airgen_drone import AirGenDrone
airgen_drone_0 = AirGenDrone()

import airgen, rerun as rr

image_data = airgen_drone_0.client.getImages("front_center", [airgen.ImageType.Scene])
rgb_image, camera_pose = image_data[0]
rr.log("image", rr.Image(rgb_image))

The expected output of the above code would be the image captured by the drone's front center camera and displayed on rerun.

Data captured and visualized on rerun

Data captured by the drone and visualized on rerun

Step 7: Stop the GRID Session

Once you’re finished with the session, stop it with:

session stop hello_grid
Show Expected Output
grid> session stop hello_grid
Stopping session hello_grid ...
2024-09-10 17:11:11,411 - INFO - HTTP Request: POST http://localhost:8000/terminate_session "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
Session stopped successfully.

This will stop the hello_grid session without terminating the containers.

Cleanup and Shutdown

Step 8: Terminate the GRID Containers

Finally, to clean up your environment, terminate the containers by running:

Show Expected Output
grid> terminate
Stopping containers...
grid_core: ❌
grid_service: ❌
Containers stopped successfully.

This stops all running containers on your local machine.

Congratulations! You've completed the Hello GRID tutorial. You’ve successfully logged in, started a session, opened a simulation, and cleaned up your environment. This is the beginning of what you can achieve with GRID Enterprise. Explore the advanced features like running sessions on remote machines, mounting custom storage, and integrating your own AI models.

Next Steps

  • Now that we have successfully setup the development environment, you can explore the AirGen and AI Models sections to dive deeper into the capabilities of the GRID Enterprise platform.