GRID vs. GRID Enterprise

GRID and GRID Enterprise are both powerful tools for building, simulating, and deploying robotic applications. However, depending on your needs, each platform offers different levels of flexibility and scalability.

This page will help you understand the key differences between the two offerings and guide you in selecting the most suitable platform for your use case.


Both platforms allow you to accomplish the same core tasks, but they differ in customization, scalability, and integration capabilities.

Key Features

Both GRID and GRID Enterprise provide a broad range of features:

  • Aerial and Ground Robot Simulation: Simulate aerial and ground robots on both platforms, with added customization options in GRID Enterprise.

  • Camera and Sensor Support: Access RGB, depth, infrared cameras, and sensors such as GPS, IMU, and LIDAR.

  • Drone and Car Simulations: Both platforms support simulations for drone and car path planning, trajectory tracking, and motor control.

GRID Enterprise enhances these features with additional flexibility:

  • Custom Controllers: Enable custom controller support, including Xbox controllers.

  • Multi-agent Systems: GRID Enterprise supports heterogeneous and homogeneous multi-agent simulations.

  • External Physics Engines: Easily integrate with external physics engines for more complex simulations.

  • Remote API Access: API access enables remote control, along with parallel session support at scale.

  • Data and Session Parallelization: Generate data and run simulations in parallel—ideal for large-scale applications.

Advanced Customization and Flexibility

GRID Enterprise is designed for organizations that require:

  • Custom Robots: Build custom robots with specific form factors to fit your project's requirements.

  • Custom Environments: Create and use custom simulation environments tailored to your unique scenarios.

  • Parallel Simulations: Scale simulations by running multiple sessions in parallel, ideal for complex and large projects.

  • Self-hosting: Host the GRID platform on your infrastructure for complete control over your simulations and data.

  • ML Integration: Seamlessly integrate with machine learning pipelines for model training and fine-tuning.

Choosing the Right Platform

  • GRID: Best suited for individual developers and small teams who need a straightforward solution to start building smarter robots quickly and easily from their browser.

  • GRID Enterprise: Recommended for organizations requiring advanced customization, parallel processing capabilities, and deeper integration with development pipelines.

Next Steps

To get started:

  • Explore GRID if you are looking for a fast, lightweight solution.

  • Book a demo for GRID Enterprise if you are interested in self-hosting, scaling simulations, and deeper integrations with custom modules.