Sample Scenarios
The Sample Scenarios section of the GRID platform is a curated set of predefined simulation environments. These scenarios are crafted to assist users in developing and testing AI skills for robotics. Each scenario includes a specific simulation environment, a robot type, and a set of AI models that provide capabilities such as computer vision, object detection, and segmentation.
![Sample Sessions page](../_images/sample_sessions.png)
List of Scenarios
Below is the list of available sample scenarios along with a brief description and functionalities for each:
Hello GRID: A minimal sample world to familiarize users with the GRID platform's capabilities.
Forest Fire Search and Rescue: Simulates a forest fire scenario for drone-based search and rescue missions.
Aerial Asset Inspection: Utilizes drones for the inspection of electrical infrastructure such as wind turbines, powerlines - focusing on imaging and analysis tasks.
Drone Urban Navigation: A geospatial environment that uses Google Photorealistic 3D tiles to simulate drones in real locations of choice.
Lunar Rover Exploration: Simulates a space robotics scenario with a rover on a low-gravity lunar environment.
Suburban Robot Delivery: A suburban neighborhood with a small delivery robot that is equipped with a LiDAR sensor.
Using Scenarios
To use a scenario:
Click on the View button to see more details about the scenario you are interested in.
To start interacting with the scenario, click on the Launch button. This will open the simulation environment with which you can begin developing robots and AI models.
These scenarios serve as both educational tools for newcomers and as a testing ground for experienced developers. Each scenario is set up with predefined configurations to simulate real-world applications.